Golf Club Yenda, Yenda NSW

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Golf Club Yenda, Yenda NSW

The Golf Club Yenda is a club located in Yenda, New South Wales.
They have an average rating of 4.7 out of 17 reviews, with the latest ratings ranging from 4 to 5. It appears the reviews are fairly consistent, showing that everyone appears to be pretty happy with the Golf Club Yenda!
Good people to play with an enjoyable day had by all

The Golf Club Yenda does not appear to have any published opening hours, but you may find some more information on their website.
Golf Course Rd, Yenda NSW 2681

Clubs and Pubs in Yenda

Including this venue, there is 1 pub and 1 club in the Yenda area

Latest reviews for Golf Club Yenda, Yenda NSW

Lesley Porteous
We just camped there overnight, very quiet and secure. No facilities. Donated $10.00 to the club for providing the spot
Damian Donovan
For a small golf club run by volunteers it is excellent, golf carts not available to hire but buggy is very reasonably priced at only $10 a game go out and have a hit you won't regret it.
Vince Logiudice
club with very friendly and social
Doogal Cattanach
Good people to play with an enjoyable day had by all
Rodney Savage
For a course run by volunteers it really is a little gem.
Cayden Mecham
Adrian Goslett
Excellent country club with friendly service and excellent staff
Dan Best
Great course wide gateways for the slicer.
All in. Go for broke
Local yenda
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