Henry Buttsworth
Very average unfriendly and unhelpful staff, with average price drinks and lots of gaming machines, at the Kangaroo Flat Sports club, near Bendigo, Victoria. Not everyone is friendly and happy to be at work, I suppose and I realise how hard it is to find staff these days. I also realise how horrible it would be just watching all those sad people lose their money and suffer at the hands of their horrible gaming machines, day in and day out, so you get that sometimes but hey, a smile and a hello, instead of a scowl and "What can I get you" is not hard.
Really nice view from their smoker's balcony, would be excellent sitting there watching a game of cricket. The groundsman had the heavy roller out preparing the pitch and it was interesting watching him. Then the local cricket team was there training. A nice afternoon drinking .10 schooners of Bertie Cider, which seemed better value than .60 for Carlton Draught but really not much to want to make you come back, unless you like pouring your life down the drain with those horrible gaming machines.