South Sydney District Rugby League Football Club Ltd, Kingsford NSW

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South Sydney District Rugby League Football Club Ltd, Kingsford NSW

The South Sydney District Rugby League Football Club Ltd is a club located in Kingsford, New South Wales.
They have an average rating of 4.4 out of 19 reviews, with the latest ratings ranging from 3 to 5.
South Sydney District Rugby League Football Club Ltd is in Sydney so why not stop by when you are next in Sydney.
Friendly approachable players and shop assistants.

The South Sydney District Rugby League Football Club Ltd does not appear to have any published opening hours, but you may find some more information on their website.
The Juniors, 558A Anzac Parade, Kingsford NSW 2032

Clubs and Pubs in Kingsford

Including the South Sydney District Rugby League Football Club Ltd, there is 1 pub, 2 clubs and 1 bar in the Kingsford area

Latest reviews for South Sydney District Rugby League Football Club Ltd, Kingsford NSW

Gregory Clark
H hi there everyone I'm enjoying the looking forward to this year's football hope it is exciting as it always is
Robert Avaient
Great shop great people great club.
Paul Stanley Wood
Great range of clothing and great people
Kevin McMahon
Very cheap bargains. Lots of food freshly cooled
Florida Twemlow
Friendly approachable players and shop assistants.
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