Nyngan Golf Club, Nyngan NSW

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Nyngan Golf Club, Nyngan NSW

The Nyngan Golf Club is a club located in Nyngan, New South Wales.
They have an average rating of 4.4 out of 14 reviews, with the latest ratings ranging from 4 to 5. It appears the reviews are fairly consistent, showing that everyone appears to be pretty happy with the Nyngan Golf Club!
Great place for kids parties

The Nyngan Golf Club does not appear to have any published opening hours, but you may find some more information on their website.
Moonagee St, Nyngan NSW 2825

Other Clubs and Pubs in Nyngan

There are 4 venues in Nyngan NSW. This list shows venues that are in Nyngan and does not include venues that are in an adjacent town such as 'Nyngan North'

Latest reviews for Nyngan Golf Club, Nyngan NSW

David F
Only had chinese meal, it was very tasty and well presented
Dennis Callaghan
Great place for kids parties
Margaret Gusah
Friendly staff
Justin Thomas
Friendly inviting place for a cold beer.
David Metcalfe
Royden was singing great nite!!!!!!
Venessa Hansen
Very friendly club affected by drought. Good layout but lacking grass on fairway due to dry. Sand greens.
Liz Atherton
Great night out
Peter Kirk
Very friendly staff and informative of the area
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